

Timely is a mobile application that learns a user's tendencies and schedules to predict the optimal notification time to leave for their next event. Timely was created using Flutter, Dart, and Firebase.

User-Centered Design Project for TRAILS Adaptive™

TRAILS Adaptive™ is a non-profit organization that provides adaptive sports equipment to people with physical and mental limitations. This project was completed as part of a User-Centered Design course at the University of Utah.

Modern Python Web Browser

Python Web Browser

A modern web browser built using vanilla Python and JavaScript. Tkinter is used for the browser and developer tools GUIs. Completed as part of a Web Browser Internals course that follows the textbook Web Browser Engineering by Pavel Panchekha and Chris Harrelson.

Portrait photo

Hi, I'm Adam.

I'm a software developer and designer from Salt Lake City, Utah. I recently graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in Computer Science with 3+ years experience building web and mobile applications.
